Saturday, March 7, 2015

COACHING: How well it can feel to be coached

Dear all,

as a coach I normally want to ensure that my clients feel well and even better at the end of our session compared to the beginning.

It is my responsibility as coach to understand as well what it means to be in the position of the coachee. And I am a human being and also need help and support in challenging times, like anyone else, therefore I also appreciate the support of a coaching.

I want to share here briefly some of my latest positive experience with my personal coache(s) and what I particularly appreciate while being coached :

- Knowing someone is there, has time and is available for my current concern. It is not only to spend some good time together, it is because I can express something that is important to me and my coach shows strong listening skills and even , reading between the lines of what is said, which is even more than listening, it is really "wanting to understand the world" of the other and connecting deeply together. Feeling understood and also respected has been a very strong experience for me, to open up myself with sometimes very personal topics and sometimes ones that are less., It all depended on the relationship and connection with my coach.

- My coach has also supported me while I was confused. Asking me the right questions in a mindful manner, helping me find the path out of the big jungle full of trees. Getting the overview and clarity.

- My coach has accepted me as I am, without judging me or wanting to change who I am deep inside  and therefore strenghtening and recognizing who I am deep inside. My coach gave me the necessary support / ressources in order to stick to what I want, desire and aspire to achieve.


COACHING : LIVE THE INNER CHILD - My favorites Cartoon songs

Cartoons are related to childhood and relaxing, fantasizing moments...

These are some of my favourite cartoons of my childhood. All coming from Japan orginally having real heros saving the world, the humanity and the galaxy.

What are your favourite cartoons and heros you remember from your early age, perhaps it is a song you recall best or simply one of a figure. What did the cartoon/ particulary gave you?

Capitaine Flam (generic song)

Albator (generic song)
The pirate of the space


She is one my favorite heroes and a role model in terms of beauty!

Cat's Eyes (generic song)
They are smart, they are fast, they are a strong team of three girls.